Change an Animal's Life

Paws to Celebrate
Held each Spring, Paws to Celebrate is a fun filled evening including appetizers, dinner, a silent and live auction, music, raffles and more. Each year, Portage APL relies on this event to raise much–needed funds to operate our shelter and care for sick, injured and abused animals.

Paws to Taste
This event is one of our favorites and includes Heavy Hors d’oeuvres, a Silent Auction, Wine Pull, Lottery Tree, 50/50 Raffle, Live Entertainment and more. All proceeds benefit Portage Animal Protective League and the many animals we care for that are abused, sick and abandoned.

We host our annual Barktoberfest, a 5K and 1-mile run, in October. The best part? You can run with your canine pals! With post-race food, fall-themed pictures with your pets, a costume contest, and more – this is a great way to enjoy the great outdoors, get some exercise, and support the APL!