Lost and Found

Animal Listings

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The following dogs and cats have been reported to Portage APL as lost pets.

Each case has it own Case ID. Please refer to the ID # when making inquiries or notifying us that you may have spotted the pet.

If you have previously created a report online and would like to update your listing, please call us and our office staff will update your listing.

(DLH, DMH, DSH) = Domesticated Long, Medium, Short Hair Cat.

Need to Report a Lost or Found Pet?

Or, call 330-296-4022 to make a report.

If you find a loose dog

Please contact the Portage County Dog Warden’s office and then call us so that we can log it, or make a report (above). Also, post it on the local lost and found Facebook groups, have it checked for a microchip (many local veterinarians can do this) and check with your neighbors.

Displaying 1 - 25 of 517

Case IDon DateLost/FoundSpeciesPrimary ColorMarkings / CharacteristicsName of Pet / Answers toLast Seen Near (Location)Image of PetPhone
LF-2106260702/10/2025FoundCatTortoiseshell, predominantly black

Very vocal


Tortoiseshell, very friendly, pretty sure it's female

(330) 221-0541

Brown spots on legs and face. Shorter tail.


1 year old bown and white Australian Shepherd.

(330) 730-8525

Dark grey/black wavy hair with light brown face, underbelly, paws. Short tail.

(330) 354-4866

All black cat green eyes


Black cat looks young

(330) 469-1785

Multicolored, mostly black with orange chest.


Small female, tortoiseshell multicolored. Very friendly. A year old.

(440) 313-7561

Long haired black cat.His eyes may look red from sneezing.His name is Shilo. He is real shy

(330) 348-4898
LF-7750930601/26/2025FoundCatMostly gray, with some slight orange.

Very sweet. Bigger for a female.

(330) 592-6267

white chest


Cipriani (pronounced chip-re- an- ee) she is a medium-large sized golden doodle, apricot color with a white fur chest We

(330) 550-8937

white chest


Cipriani (pronounced chip-re- an- ee) she is a medium-large sized golden doodle, apricot color with a white fur chest We

(330) 550-8937

White chest and small white socks on feet

Kitty kitty.

Adult orange cat. White chest and feet. Well defined striped tail. Friendly.

(330) 296-4683
LF-1424896201/01/2025FoundCatGrayI do not know

Gray and white cat

(850) 694-5053

Upside down heart on nose


Black and white tuxedo cat upside down black heart on his nose

(330) 240-4566

None-solid gray. Has a thin “slice” in each ear

Sucka, Dupey or Bud

Large, all gray male cat. Approx 14 years old. Fully clawed and fixed, not chipped.

(440) 708-3042
LF-1632636412/28/2024LostCatGrey, light grey, whiteSherri, Da Bear, SherBear

7 year old female Domestic Shorthair - Grey, light grey stripes. Yellow eyes, white whiskers, white fur around mouth.

(330) 338-7973

All black female cat with orange eyes, white whiskers, smaller frame and bushier tail.

Pocus (Hocus Pocus )

All black female cat with orange eyes, white whiskers, smaller frame and bushier tail. She is very sweet and affectionate.

(330) 221-3648
LF-1630140812/17/2024FoundCatTri coloredUnknown

Female tortoise color cat

(330) 933-7335

Bright blue eyes

Neutered Siamese with blue eyes.

(330) 557-2903

Tabby “spots” and striped tail

Female, less than a year old, white with tabby spots.

(330) 495-5117

The cat is male and gray.

(330) 356-0881

she’s a tabby with grey stripes and a pink collar with a bell and a flower on it


she is small and very vocal, she is a greyish striped tabby and has a bell and a flower on

(216) 210-7360

White Jaw, Chest, Belly and Paws

Sissy or Sí

Young Female, 1 yr, spayed, long haired, black, with white lower jaw, and white chest and paws.

(216) 536-0427

White chest belly and pwas


Long hair male tiger white chest belly and paws

(440) 694-2470

Male neutered tabby. Long and lanky.

(330) 715-3129

Orange long haired cat

(330) 696-2476

Gray hair on nose, German shepherd mix

Elder male, shepherd mix, looks to be partially blind and may also be deaf.

(330) 618-5917
Case IDon DateLost/FoundSpeciesPrimary ColorMarkings / CharacteristicsName of Pet / Answers toLast Seen Near (Location)Image of PetPhone