Ways to Donate
Planned Giving: Shepherds Watch
Shepherds Watch is Portage APL’s Planned Giving Program. Represented symbolically by a Shepherd dog, its underlying values are love, care, and dedication in service to animals in need. These donors are a special group of guardians who help ensure the long-term welfare of animals in Portage County by making bequests and other planned gifts.
Should you choose to include Portage APL in your estate plan, you become part of our Shepherds Watch Planned Giving Society.
Shepherds Watch provides protection for our shelter and our mission over the long term. Portage APL is committed to responsible financial management and planning. Our Shepherds Watch Society helps us weather financial challenges so we can continue to serve the hundreds of animals who come through our doors each year.
Our ability to feed the hungry, care for the sick and wounded, and comfort the abused is a direct result of both ongoing contributions and planned gifts.
There are so many ways you can create a lasting legacy that benefits the animals right in your own backyard.
Of course, you’ll want to discuss your options and what’s best for you with a personal legal or tax advisor, but we appreciate you keeping us in mind when doing your long term financial planning.

You can create a lasting legacy that benefits the animals in your own backyard.
Shepherd’s Watch Planned Giving includes:
- Wills
- Life insurance policies
- Retirement accounts
- Gifts of property
- Gifts of stock
How can we help?
We’d love to meet with you to discuss how we might support you in your estate planning options and how you can contribute to the long-term wellbeing and care of animals at the Portage APL as part of your legacy.