Lost and Found

Animal Listings

Change an Animal's Life

The following dogs and cats have been reported to Portage APL as lost pets.

Each case has it own Case ID. Please refer to the ID # when making inquiries or notifying us that you may have spotted the pet.

If you have previously created a report online and would like to update your listing, please call us and our office staff will update your listing.

(DLH, DMH, DSH) = Domesticated Long, Medium, Short Hair Cat.

Need to Report a Lost or Found Pet?

Or, call 330-296-4022 to make a report.

If you find a loose dog

Please contact the Portage County Dog Warden’s office and then call us so that we can log it, or make a report (above). Also, post it on the local lost and found Facebook groups, have it checked for a microchip (many local veterinarians can do this) and check with your neighbors.

Displaying 1 - 25 of 534

Case IDon DateLost/FoundSpeciesPrimary ColorMarkings / CharacteristicsName of Pet / Answers toLast Seen Near (Location)Image of PetPhone

Just spayed


Bernese mountain dog,female, just spayed Black white and brown

(330) 861-9502

No tail, white hair on front of his chest


Doesn't have a tail only a nub. De-clawed, nurtured. He is chipped but information is not current.

(330) 907-0224

Short, stub tail!

Orange cat. Not neutered. Short stub tail.

(330) 506-4665

Male pug tan except brown face

(304) 916-3826

Very cool mustache and goatee

Orange and white. Cool mustache and goatee. Tipped left ear but definitely not feral. This is a very nice, friendly

(330) 296-8138

she has a big white patch on her neck, paws are white, hair on the tip of her ears


she is black, white, and orange. pointy ears, more of a sphinx face, she is long and skinny

(330) 834-5727
LF-7645826504/11/2024LostCatLight brown

Has stripes kindve, m shape on her head above her eyes


She has a little cut in her left ear, bright yellow/green eyes, lightness around her face

(330) 603-6328

Male, Tuxedo (black and white) cat. Not neutered, very sweet.

(330) 329-7828
LF-2201818103/16/2025LostDogVery dark body, very dark tale, very light head.Lulu

She is a German Shepherd poodle mix. Recently groomed, her entire body is shaved. Her tail and head are long.

(773) 808-4114

Tuxedo male.

Medium hair black and white tuxedo cat. Male not neutered.

(330) 329-7828

No hair from chest down due to allergies


Small black cat with no hair from chest down due to allergies

(330) 813-8357

No hair from chest down due to allergies


Small, black neutered cat with no hair from his chest down due to allergies

(330) 813-8357

She is very vocal.

Gray tiger striped

(330) 592-6267

Boy cat, friendly with humans and very smart. He knew we could help him and purposely came into our garage

(330) 810-1933

He has white paws on the front and his back paws look like long white socks, stripes on tail and a white patch on his chest


Orange cat with with feet and chest

(330) 592-3618

Very friendly large but playful


Large 180 lbs English mastiff brindle color has collar not nutered very friendly traveling with a old English sheep dog

(330) 808-9011
LF-1341805602/03/2025FoundDogDark brindle

White strip on chest and some white on paws

Red collar

Male, dark brindle, large white strip on chest, some white on Paws

(330) 312-7115
LF-2106260702/10/2025FoundCatTortoiseshell, predominantly black

Very vocal


Tortoiseshell, very friendly, pretty sure it's female

(330) 221-0541

Brown spots on legs and face. Shorter tail.


1 year old bown and white Australian Shepherd.

(330) 730-8525

Dark grey/black wavy hair with light brown face, underbelly, paws. Short tail.

(330) 354-4866

All black cat green eyes


Black cat looks young

(330) 469-1785

Multicolored, mostly black with orange chest.


Small female, tortoiseshell multicolored. Very friendly. A year old.

(440) 313-7561

Long haired black cat.His eyes may look red from sneezing.His name is Shilo. He is real shy

(330) 348-4898
LF-7750930601/26/2025FoundCatMostly gray, with some slight orange.

Very sweet. Bigger for a female.

(330) 592-6267

white chest


Cipriani (pronounced chip-re- an- ee) she is a medium-large sized golden doodle, apricot color with a white fur chest We

(330) 550-8937
Case IDon DateLost/FoundSpeciesPrimary ColorMarkings / CharacteristicsName of Pet / Answers toLast Seen Near (Location)Image of PetPhone