Lost and Found

Animal Listings

Change an Animal's Life

The following dogs and cats have been reported to Portage APL as lost pets.

Each case has it own Case ID. Please refer to the ID # when making inquiries or notifying us that you may have spotted the pet.

If you have previously created a report online and would like to update your listing, please call us and our office staff will update your listing.

(DLH, DMH, DSH) = Domesticated Long, Medium, Short Hair Cat.

Need to Report a Lost or Found Pet?

Or, call 330-296-4022 to make a report.

If you find a loose dog

Please contact the Portage County Dog Warden’s office and then call us so that we can log it, or make a report (above). Also, post it on the local lost and found Facebook groups, have it checked for a microchip (many local veterinarians can do this) and check with your neighbors.

Displaying 251 - 275 of 517

Case IDon DateLost/FoundSpeciesPrimary ColorMarkings / CharacteristicsName of Pet / Answers toLast Seen Near (Location)Image of PetPhone

Thinner Tale


Black and White, white near chin and paws. Tuxedo Cat

(330) 593-9367

split face and a white diamond chest with a white and orange tip to her tail.

Small tortishell that likes to be held and even climbed on my shoulders. Very friendly and personable.

(330) 281-9873

She has white legs and paws but has gray spot on the bottom of her Paws. She has very faint light Grey circles on her darker gray tail.


Fixed female. Gray and white. Petite and shy. Friendly.

(330) 732-7011

Kink in tail


Miniature dachsund, black with brown markings

(440) 552-4469

Sort of a mohawk/racing stripe off darker brown down his back


Tan Shiba Inu with a red martingale collar. He has a Safe Harbor Animal Rescue tag and a Medina rabies

(330) 581-2037

Small white cat with big blue eyes, about 3 years old, nervous and will likely run away, brown/black hair on

(440) 855-5243

Little bit of brown on her tail tip

Female small young gray tiger striped long hair

(330) 472-3992
LF-1986369704/15/2023LostCatOrange stripeJasper

Male, orange tabby

(330) 527-2957
LF-1986369704/09/2023LostCatOrange stripeGinger

7 yr old neutered Male orange tabby roughly 12 lbs

(330) 714-9357
LF-1585693104/09/2023LostCatblackMrs. Claws

domestic short hair cat, most black with white markings on paws and face. Very vocal, timid if she doesn't know

(133) 099-0919

Small dog black with little brown has a hard time hearing

(330) 573-3120

A husky. She is a female. Just has blue eyes. Has a decent amount of hair. Color is white with

(312) 687-6826

Brindle Shepherd Mix, sweet personality, flowered collar

(234) 267-9605

Bridle 60 pound hound mix Answers to Beemer

(330) 940-9980

Lost w a black grey and white cat named demon


He is lost w another one of my cats. One is orange and the other is black grey and white

(330) 608-0263
LF-3174059902/26/2023LostCatGrey black and white

His chest is white and he looks like he has a white scarf on


Lost 2 cats. One is orange and the other one is white black and grey stripes and his chest is

(330) 608-0263

Orange male cat. His name is peaches. He is almist 2 years old. He is very freindly

(330) 608-0263
LF-5439957403/25/2023FoundDogblack and whiteI just called him “puppy”

The pet was found in Brimfield, Ohio on Arcadia Road. The dog came right up to me as I was

(330) 780-7144
LF-1551822303/21/2023FoundDogBrown, black whiteNot known.

Young male Beagle found at Berlin wildlife area on Fewtown Rd. Friendly and well cared for. No collar or chip

(724) 316-2326

Green eyes.


Kent, Ohio. Stow, Ohio

(330) 937-7483
LF-7258174003/13/2023LostDogBlack and whiteJackson

Elinore and E272 streer

(134) 725-7419
LF-4116412403/12/2023LostDogBrindle brown/gray mix

White patch on chest


Escaped yard in Lexington Place off of Rootstown rd around 2:15 Sunday afternoon

(330) 524-5796

White markings on face, chest, and some feet. Very tip of tail is white.


Louie Escaped from our fence in Suffield Twp. Near the intersection of congress lake rd. and 224. His most recent

(330) 592-0098

White bib on chest, some white in the ears


Lake St and Edgewood Drive running in the direction of KSU campus Very small black cat with black bib on

(440) 409-5979

Green eyes and long whiskers.


He responds to Dudley, he has a raspy meow, he is very approachable. He is an orange and cream tabby.

(330) 671-2086
Case IDon DateLost/FoundSpeciesPrimary ColorMarkings / CharacteristicsName of Pet / Answers toLast Seen Near (Location)Image of PetPhone