Case ID | LF-13232633 |
Date the Pet Was Lost/Found | 08/08/2024 |
Was the Pet Lost or Found? | Lost |
Location the Pet was Lost/Found and Description of the Pet | Tiger cat, black with grey tiger markings, fairly large, 14 years old, neutered male, has urinary system condition and must eat special diet food or he will not be able to urinate. |
Name of Pet / Answers to | Skeeter |
Species of Pet | Cat |
Breed of Pet | DSH |
Age of Pet | 14 |
Primary Color of Pet | Black tiger with grey tiger markings |
Secondary Color of Pet | Grey stripes and other light colored stripes but lots of black |
Special Markings or Unique Characteristics | Kind of feisty and shy. |
Sex of Pet | Male |
Is the Pet Spayed/Neutered? | Yes |
Size of Pet | Cat: Large (large body build or large belly) |
Did Pet Have a Collar or Leash? | No |
Did Pet Have an ID Tag or Dog License? | No, or unknown |
Is Pet Microchipped? | No |
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REPORTER INFORMATION | Please share your contact information so we can contact you if your lost pet is found, or so missing pet owners may contact you if you make a 'found' listing of their pet. |
First Name | Joan |
City | Ravenna |
Phone | (330) 296-3945 |
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